This is the original food anime, based on the manga by Tetsu Kariya and Akira Hanasaki. After the first anime release in the late 1980s, it was adapted into a TV drama, feature film, video game and considered to be the most significant milestone in food anime. The title of Oishinbo is a transliteration of the Japanese words “oishii” (tasty) and “kuishinbo” (one who loves to eat). The series depicts the culinary adventures of Shiro Yamaoka and his partner Yuko Kurita as they traverse Japan looking to assemble the perfect meal.
Synopsis: When Shiro and Yuko visit an elite sushi shop in Ginza, the master tells all of his customers that they are unworthy of his talents. But Shiro has his own idea of what perfect sushi is.
1980年代に原案・雁屋哲、作画・花咲アキラによる漫画がアニメ化されたのち、映画、ドラマ、ゲームなどさまざまなメディア展開により大ブームを巻き起こした作品。そのクオリティの高さから、「食」アニメの金字塔と評価されている。タイトルの『美味しんぼ』は「美味しい」 と「食いしん坊」をつなぎ合わされたもの。新聞社に勤める山岡士郎と栗田ゆう子を主人公に、最高の「食」を求め日本中を旅しながら、料理や食文化をテーマにしたさまざまなストーリが展開される。
Special Thanks: Shin-Ei Animation